Congratulations to...

Our Contour Story campaign has come to an end, and we have found our winner!


Following our my Contour Story campaign, we have read all the truly great and inspirational stories our dedicated Contour fans have shared with us - we want to share a sincere, thank you! But, as we started with, we have found our winner...

Congratulations to...

Michael Hansen from Montana, USA!

You have won a pair of Contour S 1.4 LE loudspeakers! 

Michael's story included all of what we deemed worthy of winning, and among other, he wrote:

-- "They have brought despair and beauty to my life. They have played on through some of the worst and arguably the finest systems available. They have survived when other "superior" speakers have failed, they have suffered through some of the deepest bass available and ear-splitting high notes."

A big thanks goes out to Michael for sharing his story with us! 

Dynaudio Magazine

Dynaudio Magazine is our universe of sound and music-related articles, videos, and podcasts, covering everything from loudspeakers and technology to extraordinary people, and our very best tips and tricks.


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